Types of School Governor

The Governing Body is made up of 7 Governors. All school Governors (with the exception of the Executive Head Teacher) are volunteers. Some governors represent the Local Authority, some represent the community, some are parents of children at the school and are elected by other parents and, as both of the schools in our federation are supported by the church, they also have representatives (called Foundation Governors). We also have two staff Governors (one elected from each school), the Heads of Schools are co-opted to Full Governors meetings as and when appropriate, and the Executive Head teacher is ex-officio, which means that it is part of their contract to attend ALL Governor meetings.

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School Games Platinum 2023-24-2024-25 Active Mark - Rewarding CommitmentEco-SchoolsArtsMark AwardHealtrhy Schools Food for Life - Silver AwardBig Lottery Fund - National Lottery FundedTrained Educational Visits Coordinator 2023Investors in People Excellence in inclusive staff developmentFSE

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