
Blue/white polo shirts or blouses
Navy cardigan/pullover/sweatshirt
Grey skirt/dress/trousers/shorts 
Black shoes  – not trainers  
For summer - navy and white dresses/skirts/playsuit


Blue/white polo shirts or shirts
Navy cardigan/pullover/sweatshirt
Grey trousers or shorts
Black shoes – not trainers

School navy baseball caps and navy fleeces are also available.

Although branded items are available from the following suppliers there is no requirement for branded items to be worn and plain, unbranded items are perfectly fine. Most supermarkets sell plain polo shirts and navy blue jumpers and cardigans.

School uniform is available from, Nationwide School Uniforms & Downtown Stores in Boston. For second hand uniform, please contact the PTFA who can help you further. Details are available from the school office.

Denim jeans are not considered suitable school attire, nor are trainers – except for P.E.

All clothes must be clearly named

PE/ Games Kit

The PE kit consists of a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and black tracksuit top and bottoms for the colder weather.
Shorts, t-shirts and trainers in a named drawstring bag are requested. Trainers for indoor use should not have black soles as these may mark the hall floor. Children will require stout outdoor trainers. Tracksuits are recommended for all children for outside activities, but these are not suitable for indoor activities. It is LA policy that when children take part in indoor floor lessons they do so in bare feet. Jewellery is discouraged as it can endanger all children. The only jewellery, which is allowed in school, is one pair of stud earrings (which must be removed or covered during P.E.) and a watch. The school will take no responsibility for their loss. Where possible, please leave ear piercing for the summer holidays so children can take their earrings out for lessons themselves. Earrings must also be removed for swimming lessons.

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