Sport has continued in school through lockdown and timetabled activities have been engaged with at home by the majority of children. Our Sports Coach led online PE videos that were amended to allow for any barriers faced by the lack of outdoor space or equipment. For example, using a metal tray instead of a racket to bounce a ball.
Children since returning to school have PE timetabled for 2 hours per week and time has been saved with children not needing to change clothing.
Activities such as Morning Yoga sessions have been delivered in school to children.
Sporting competitions took place in the summer term although restricted to competitors from a bubble rather than representatives from across the school.
This actually gave more children the opportunity to represent the school than before and allowed our competitive sport to be more inclusive.
The trim trail is used at all playtimes and the children make good use of the extensive playing fields.
All bubbles were provided with playground activity sets and this has improved the level of physical engagement at breaktimes.
KS2 children were given the opportunity to participate in a disability sports afternoon.
Playground/sports leader training was given to year 5.
Fourfields Church of England Primary School, Park Avenue, Sutterton, Boston, Lincs, PE20 2JN
Tel: 01205 460547
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